HS EDM Theme Nepal

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Right to Assistance in Emergency & Disaster Management

"People have a right to protection, to human security and to assistance based on their needs."

Human Security in Emergency and Disaster Theme Nepal

People's security around the world is interlinked - as today's global flows of goods, services, finance, people and images highlight. Political and economic liberalization and democratization opens new opportunities but also new fault lines, such as political and economic instabilities and conflicts within states. Every year about 300 million people are affected by emergencies; conflict or natural disasters. Those who are most vulnerable and least powerful suffer greatest impact. More than 800,000 people a year lose their lives to violence. About 2.8 billion suffer from poverty, illiteracy and diseases. Weak or authoritarian states, competition for natural resources and a proliferation of small arms mean that more and more people live in daily fear of violent conflict. Conflict and deprivation are interconnected. Deprivation has many causal links to violence, although these have to be carefully examined. Conversely, wars kill people, destroy trust among them, increase poverty and crime, and slow down the economy. Climate change and environmental degradation subject millions more to the threat of natural disasters.


Nepal is a disaster prone with the incidence of widespread disasters across the country and around the year. Nepal’s geography, geology, climate and lack of proper infrastructure planning make the country extremely vulnerable to various forms of disaster. These are evident by the exponential rise in the frequency as well as severity of natural and anthropogenic catastrophes hitting the nation and impeding the growth of economy. Major disasters in Nepal are flood, landslide, fire, earthquake, drought, epidemic and insurgency with increased sporadic problems of storm, hailstorm, avalanches and stampede.

Whenever hazards strike, they do not negotiate or listen or wait; they simply come, kill and/or destroy by causing irreparable losses. They do not discriminate or differentiate amongst men and women, poor or rich, young or old but they create more impact on women, children an aged and PWDs than adult men due to socio-economic and ethno-cultural barriers. When any hazard strikes, it is the communities who react first, irrespective of profession, status, caste, ethnicity or culture. Therefore, it is important to enhance the capacities of communities so that they can observe, understand, analyze and prepare themselves for the worst impact. Moreover, It is essential to allow transparency of actions of the nodal agencies working towards disaster risk reduction and to encourage communities to get involved, so that at the time of occurrence of disasters, communities need not to wait for primary help, and mobilize self-help before external rescue and relief reaches them.

People living in a hilly country like Nepal also cope with uncertain climatic changes, which are leading to slow and rapid onset of disasters every year. Villagers’ livelihood systems are designed with that threat in mind but their local knowledge of adaptation cannot cope with the rigorous climate changes happening all over the world. It is now beyond the conventional local adaptation knowledge. However, when they survive the hardships they rehabilitate their houses, terraces and natural resource base - a task that may continue for several years after the disaster. And who cannot cope, are forced to abandon their ancestral homes, migrate to either more hazardous areas or some extent to the towns and cities for surviving.

In spite of long advocacy, different development programmes and disaster preparedness projects showed very reactive approach towards managing disasters in Nepal. They try to respond to visible affects of disasters without acknowledging the underlying causes that create ideal conditions for the disaster in the first place. We should be careful to note that the cause and effect relationships are not linear and deductive and cannot be reduced to simple explanatory models. Rather these are governed by complex inter-relationships that are deeply embedded in the local context determined by existing paradigmatic base for the development. It determines the existing policies for disaster management, existing institutional management and socio-cultural beliefs and practices. The underlying causes are not simply root causes in that sense, since there is no single starting point (root) for disaster in Nepal. Additionally, in view of the complexities and diversities of disaster management in Nepal, a concrete, effective and practicable policy is needed for which political commitment and a pragmatic policy formulation is necessary in order to reduce the vulnerability and disasters faced by the people of Nepal.

The Context:

Systemic exclusion and oppression of certain groups of the society has served as a structural cause of various conflicts which have manifested recently. The latent conflicts of the society are emerging up and taking violent form at the face of changed political situation. The Madhesi uprising and indigenous people's movements have become calm after their proportional representation in the Constituent Assembly and accession to the government, but their issues remain standstill.

The poorest and marginalized people are bearing the effects of conflict more than the other people and they are always vulnerable towards it. Many issues of recent armed conflict, including justice to the conflict survivors, are yet to be resolved through restructuring of the country. The rights of conflict survivors to receive humanitarian support and security during the emergencies arisen out of conflict and getting justice and reparation afterward are mostly ignored by the state. We will engage in responding emergencies caused by violent conflicts and support the survivors to get justice. Since no other development work can be successful unless the cycle of violence is halted, we will guide the organizational strategy for conflict management and transformation process and will work in conflict sensitive ways.

Natural disasters are silent causes of poverty in the country. 64 out of 75 districts of Nepal are prone to disasters and significant numbers of people are affected every year. More than 1000 deaths, loss of more than hundreds of million rupees and large number of displacements are caused by it every year and many people turn destitute overnight. Impacts of climate change can be seen in the form of droughts resulting in crop failures and more intense floods and hurricanes resulting in loss of human lives and property. The adversities of climate change fall disproportionally on countries and people characterized by high levels of poverty. Climate change, hence, pose serious threat to constituencies with little or no political voice: the world's poor and future generations.

The rights of the victims of conflict and disasters have not been properly recognized by the State. The state mechanism mostly ends up with inadequate immediate relief in some most visible cases.  There are no clear policies on the compensation or reparation of such victims and the rights of such victims to rehabilitation is not taken care of. Right to protection and humanitarian assistance during the emergencies and right to recovery and resilience after the disaster have not been well addressed by the state. We will therefore work towards building appropriate capacities to ensure a more strategic and rapid response of disasters, before, during and after their occurrence generally in its program areas. At the events of national level disasters, it will support outside the program area as well.


To ensure right to human security by engaging emergency response;

Contribute to Vulnerability Reduction through Conflict and Disaster Risk Reduction and climate change adaptation initiatives with increased resilience capacity of poor, marginalized and the vulnerable people.



  1. To reduce the hazards, and the environmental consequences of human activity that threaten poor and marginalized people
  2. To reduce poor people’s vulnerability by empowering them to build their resilience and to develop their capacity to cope
  3. To reduce people’s vulnerability by promoting institutions that uphold their responsibilities to protect people in emergencies
  4. To ensure poor people are assured of response / appropriate assistance to survive and recover from emergencies


Strategies and Approaches:

§ Addressing their immediate needs as a means to fulfillment of their rights to life with dignity and build their resilience to disasters.

§ To organize the disaster victims/survivors to become aware of their rights and to enable them to take measures for their security and protection fulfilling the human security needs.

§ To influence the civil society organization and donors for mainstreaming disaster risk management

§ To contribute to achieve MDGs and HFA 2005 – 2015 through sustainable disaster risk management focusing on Education, Health, Gender, Food security and Climate Change issues

§ To  develop effective knowledge base and discourse on Disaster Risk Management through education, mass media, publication and public debates by advocacy and campaign

§ Building the understanding of AAN staff, partners, rights holder groups and other Nepali citizen about the link between poverty and disasters

§ Improving the ability of the vulnerable communities and key institutions (schools, health posts, local government, line agencies, police, fire service, networks etc) to cope with disasters through community-based disaster preparedness programmes

§ Establishing and building the capacity of alliances and networks for effective advocacy and campaign towards policy and practice changes on disaster 

§ Building the capacity of partners to conduct hazard mapping and vulnerability analysis of disaster prone areas, immediate response in the affected areas and advocating for necessary DRM plans and mitigation measures

§ National level advocacy for the formation of appropriate policies and implementation of national acts and international commitments by the government to ensure the rights of the disaster victims


Key Actions

§ Support survivors of conflict and emergencies in accessing appropriate assistance for relief, recovery and mitigation of the impacts of emergencies and conflict

§ Enhance poor and excluded people's capacity to claim rights in conflict and emergencies

§ Build poor and excluded people's resilience to conflict and emergencies

§ Advocate for the protection of women and children's' rights during situations of conflict and disasters

§ Build awareness on causes and effects of climate change and advocate for mitigating its impact, particularly to poor and excluded people

§ Contribute to achieve Hyogo Framework of Action through sustainable disaster risk management

§ Support partners and civil society organizations to initiate peace building initiatives and adopt conflict sensitive measures


Human security is the protection of “the vital core of all human lives in ways that enhance human freedoms and fulfillment; the security of individuals, their livelihoods, and human rights including economic security, food security, health security, environmental security, personal security, community security and political security.


AAN works on Human Security, Emergency and Disaster Management

The Emergency and Disaster Management Theme was set up in AAN in September 2002 after it underwent major organizational restructuring in 2002. This was one more effort to enhance the effectiveness of its work for poor and marginalized people. Before this, AAN had acquired some experience of Emergency work through its involvement with Poverty Policy and Program theme of CSP II period. With the recurrences of Natural Disasters in the form of flood and landslides, fire and epidemic and as well as the threat of big earthquake in the country, AAN felt an urge to involve itself on the issues of Vulnerability, Hazard and Risk reduction, to be able to contribute in Human Security Issues in the country and work for the improvement of the Disaster Preparedness, as both Emergency and Disaster had become crucial to address the structural causes of poverty and marginalization.

There are three basic intervention programs under HSEDM Theme to ensure Human Security. These encompass all the ongoing foundation works of AAN: Livelihood, Education and Women’s Rights Theme.

1. Emergency Response: Natural Disaster/Conflict/Epidemics/Accidents

2. Disaster Management: Disaster Preparedness/DRR/Safety-Nets*

3. Climate Change: Community Based Adaptation/NAPA/COP

1. Emergency Response:

ActionAid Nepal engages on Emergency response to Natural Disaster and Conflict. The effectiveness of the response depends on the contingency plan prepared ahead.  All AAN Projects and DA/DI partners are enabled to response emergency in the respected area. ActionAid Nepal involves on Disaster Relief too if the people are in difficult circumstances and no other parties are there to respond at the time of strike e.g. the program area DA/DI Districts. The emergency response (Relief and Support) includes any activities intend to save the lives of the people during the disasters; these activities are rescue operation, medical and food aid for short period, assessment of the situation for the immediate and long term response includes communication and transport, temporal settlement, security, health camps etc. Saving lives and protecting rights is the guiding principle. The relief operation also includes Vulnerability Assessment, Damage Assessment, Need Assessment and delivering Relief support to the victims and affected population. Right Based Approach to response is assured through adopting sphere standard and guidelines to disaster response.


2. Disaster Management:

Disaster Management is the strategic response of AAN to reduce the risks and vulnerabilities of the communities living on the disaster prone areas. Thus, AAN is strategically works in building capacity (preparedness) of the government, the relief agencies and disaster-affected people to manage the disasters proactively. AAN provide enough information to the International donors and planners on disaster impacts on the lives of the people as a major cause of poverty in the country so as to increase responsibilities of international donor communities to supplement in delivering basic humanitarian services.

A systemic intervention to integrate the Disaster Risk Reduction initiatives in the existing DA/DIs, Projects and Program for effective Disaster Preparedness will be the core area of intervention. All AAN program will enhance its DAs to be resilient to disaster; informed with, response, recovery, reduction and readiness capacity. The participatory vulnerability analysis and Community Based Disaster Preparedness will be adopted.

Disaster Management, Disaster Preparedness and Disaster Risk Reduction initiatives includes measures related to advocacy on policies and practices changes, different hazard assessment, vulnerability assessment, awareness raising, information management and stockpiling of relief/rescue materials as contingency plan for the potential disaster. Mitigation, as the parts of preparedness, includes the construction of the catchments ponds, check dams, river embankment, forestation etc. All these measures focus to improve the livelihoods of the disaster-affected people in sustainable ways.

AAN broadly executes disaster management programme through Creation of Information Base/MIS, Capacity Building, resource mobilization for programme implementation and Building the Alliances for policy influencing.


3. Climate Change Adaptation:

AAN will work on adapting Climate Change Impact to manage the climatic risk and consequences to its rights holders. This work will be integrated with all livelihood related programs and projects on Disaster Management DRR/DIPECHO.

The above will be translated in to practice with three strategic levels are:

          Community, DA/DI to enable and empower at Right holders to adapt the climate change impact to its people

          Local government, state and National level to change governance, policy and practice, develop and owned NAPA process by the people at all level

          General public, civil societies and social movements to generate worldviews and Concentisation on climate victims.


Key Achievements and Engagements:

Capacity Building:

AAN developed a thorough understanding and enhanced the capacity of those stakeholders with such responsibilities in Nepal. AAN foster the opportunity to learn the skill and capacity building opportunity including shared learning at national and regional level in disaster management. For this AAN organizes several training workshops, demonstration, campaigns exposure visits at different level throughout the country.

CBDP/ DRR in project/DA & DIs:

AAN focuses on preparedness in disaster management than response to post disaster situation. AAN have the strategy to enable the community prepared with potential risk, hazards and mitigating the disaster impacts. For this, AAN EDM theme has launched DRR and DP focused partnership projects to enable the rights holder disaster resilience.

The DIPECHO project in five districts and DRRS project in four districts are running. The preparedness includes analyzing the capacity and vulnerability in long term work and using that analysis build local resilience, readiness and long term recovery. AAN endeavors to ensure all its DA/DI program have DRR/DP component and developed preparedness plan.

Safety Net Campaign:

Safety-Net Campaign is an initiative undertaken by the Emergency and Disaster Management Theme of ActionAid Nepal. It carries the value of "Human Security" in the center with Rights Based Agenda to Disaster Management. Under this, Awareness, Organization and Advocacy are the key intervention areas followed by capacity building and resource mobilization for Risk reduction efforts. This also addresses the issues of vulnerability and hazards of the poor, excluded and vulnerable groups. This initiative is developed in collaboration with local NGOs and stakeholders (all institutions at community, VDC, district, and national level) to influence the decision makers and development actors to come out with a development program, to integrate  disaster risk reduction in favor of the rights holders i.e. poor, women, boys and girls for building resilience to Disaster.

Awareness and Media Campaign:

AAN involved promoting awareness among the people of their rights and the responsibilities and obligations for emergency preparedness and response. Similarly, create opportunity to learn and share the information regarding disaster preparedness, mitigation and response. For this AAN mobilize the print and electronic media (radio, television and internet) theatre groups and other local means of mass communications available in Nepal. AAN regularly producing IEC poster and articles on Disaster Management issues through Paryawaran (Nepali) magazine, Producing and Telecasting Disaster Management Video Prakop ko pida, Nepal ma Prakop Byabasthapan and other several episodes on Disaster Preparedness activities through Pariwartan program of Nepal TV, Occasional video shows at community level, Chetana Disaster Radio program from Radio and FMs, wall painting commercial advertisements etc to sensitize the critical mass on Disaster management issues.

Research Documentation and Knowledge building:

AAN is engaged in carrying out policy mapping for rights based approach to emergency and disaster management, find gaps and scope to improvement and disseminate the outcomes through media to take it further for policy advocacy in favour of poor and marginalized. The major studies includes Disaster reviews carried out in 2002, 2004, 2006, developing knowledge series (15 books) on Disaster Management Issues, a dynamic website about Nepal Disaster Watch (www.nepaldisaster.org), Situation Analysis of Sit-Lahar (cold waves), Climate Change Impact on Poor, School safety approach, Fire Management in Nepal, Life stories of Disaster victims, Policy Mapping on Nepal disaster acts, occasional policy briefs are the documents produced along with several other situation analysis and baseline, impact studies.

Policy Advocacy and Campaigns:

Under critical engagement with the government policy and practice change initiated. The local agencies like District Administration, District Development Committee, Village Development Committee; District Red Cross etc will take part in the process of disaster management jointly with AAN activities. AAN facilitate to regularize their services to the disaster victims as planned in disaster management act. This is the part of the Good Governance activities. Thus, the good governance is the major cross cutting issues in all steps of the preparedness programme. Policy Advocacy and inputs for restoring Humanitarian Standards and Rights that’s routinely denied in emergency and disaster situation are the area of intervention for AAN. This include the conflict resolution, peace building and developing the necessary code and conduct through expertise sharing and skill transformation. AAN also provides inputs from the experience of other country programs similar to Nepal. 

Organizing and Networking:

AAN believes people are the rights holder and they should have access and control over the resources and decision making. For this a strong organization of people agencies is must. Thus promotes peoples organizations at the grass roots level to involve with disaster initiatives. For this disaster victims and affected communities have formed their organizations through DMC, DPC, DRC as well as DIVICON. AAN also endeavour building the Linkage and networking at national, regional and international levels to secure additional capacity to reduce the vulnerability and overcome the disaster impact in Nepal. Thus there is DPNet at National level and DIMANN at District level and DIVICON and DMC Federations at VDC level organized. AAN is also closely working with the national (DPNet, AINTGDM, IASC) regional (Duryog Niwaran, and ADRRN) and international networks (ISDR – Pro-vention consortium) and agencies working on the issue. 

Emergency Response:

AAN involve in Emergency response since the very beginning of its operation in Nepal. Previously it was more of Health referral up to nineties. However after 1993 flood AAN was more involved in Disaster Relief after the CSP II period when emergency has been regarded as an issue to work on Poverty, Policy and program theme. Since then, AAN have been supported different emergency cases with its resources. However, after 2005 with growing number and scale of Disaster it has been responding to emergency addressing population over 10,000 annually. The support includes availing rescue and relief support within 25 hours the ready to eat food within 50 hours, and relief kit (food, non food, shelter) within 100 hours. The response also includes health and WATSAN as appropriated. A recovery process shall be initiated within 30 days.

Outcomes of HSEDM Thematic engagements:

l      Managing three major Donor funded Disaster Projects DIPECHO, DRRSP and Emergency Response Relief Recovery to Rights supported by ECHO, DFID and AusAid respectively.

l      Life skill trainings on First Aid, DRM / CBDP, Flood Search and Rescue and Earthquake preparedness plans have resulted in increased capacities of students, teachers and community people over to 2800 people.

l      Linkages and coordination with district as well as national level actors like DEO, MOES, MOHA and CDC have been strengthened

l      Mapping out DRR education in School curricula completed and integration of DRR education in School curricula started two classes already adopted

l      School Safety Approach developed

l      Policy Research, Documentation and Advocacy on Disaster Management

l      Media Advocacy on Disaster management/Media Mapping

l      Promoting PVA, Resource kit for community tool

l      Safety Net Campaign- REFLECT/Activist mobilization in 10 districts

l      Emergency Response serve over 10K Population

l      Networking – NGO, DMC Presence in 22 Districts

l      Climate Change Education, Awareness and Adaptation advocacy research and videos


Time Line of AAN EDM Theme and Key Activities

1982 - 1992

Emergency as a referral cases to DA 1 Sindhupalchok, District level support, over 553 HHs supported different occasion) Health and Fire major support.

Have contributed $25000 to CDRC Fund for Dharan earthquake in 1988.



Sindhuli flood relief and rehabilitation, 1993 (District level support, +53 HHs supported in DA3)

ActionAid DA 3 PM awarded Disaster Relief Medal from the Government in 1994


Rehabilitation of Landslide-porn settlement (house construction for 21families) in Sindhuli, 1996

Joined DP workshop organized by UNDP, Act as one of the promoter of DPNet, formation of DPNet


Country Strategy Paper II analyzed Emergency and Disaster as a factor of Poverty

Emergency and Disaster Management as a component to Poverty Policy Program Theme

ActionAid organized its first CBDP Training in Sindhuli in collaboration with LWF


Community Based Disaster Management Program Piloting 9 VDCs in DA 3 Sindhuli, 1997-2004 (81 DMC at ward Level, 9 DMCs at VDC level, One at District Level)

Status Mapping of AAN Emergency works, FPSD 1998


Famine Study on Humla food crisis, 1999 (report available)


Review of Emergency and Security Situation in the DAs

House firebreak, 20-25 victim HHs supported.

Rehabilitation support (house construction) to Flood victims, 22 HHs in DA 7 Saptari, 2000



Kamaiya Rehabilitation, Low cost House construction Kailali and Kanchanpur as under emergency resettlement plan (156+ families), 2001- 2008 (on going with different capacity)

River embankment, school rehabilitation, aforestations and bio-engineering protection works in Saptari, Sarlahi and Sindhuli under CBDP preparedness scheme, 2001 (on going in other areas too)

ActionAid Asia Disaster Management Strategy 2001

Appraisal of Emergency and Disaster Situation of Nepal, 2001 (document available)



Disaster relief and livelihood support to flood and land slide victims, Jhapa, Morang, Sunsari, Khotang, Saptari, Sindhuli, Sarlahi, Kathmandu & Lalitpur Districts

Participatory Vulnerability Tools developed, Dorset, UK

Formation of AINTGDM

First Disaster Situation Analysis 2002, Country Report in Nepali (document available)

Right Based Approach to Disaster Management Training, India


CSP II revised, Emergency and Disaster Management as a Theme in CSP II+

Disaster relief and livelihood support to cold wave affected victims in Jhapa, Morang, Sunsari, Kailali and Kanchanpur Districts 2003.

Disaster relief and livelihood support to Fire victims in Saptari and Jajarkot Districts 2003.

Medical Aid and livelihood support to Yello Fever victims in Sunsari, and Sarlahi Districts 2003.

EDM Position Paper drafted under Livelihood and Economic Rights Team, (document available)

First AAI Human Security Strategy Meeting, IECT Kathmandu 2003


First Video documentary on Disaster Management Prakop ko Pida, Pains of Disaster (Nepali&Eng)

First Pre-Monsoon Disaster Preparedness workshop in Nepal, NCDM Kathmandu



Media and Disaster Workshop, Collaboration with RSS and NSET

Awareness through Paryawaran IEC Poster, ECO Nepal (posters  magazine available)

First Safety Net Campaign initiated in Kathmandu, Makwanpur, Rupandehi, Chitwan

Earthquake Dohori Program, Vyas Municipality, NSET

Earthquake safety Calendar, NSET

Regional DP Workshop, Central Development Region, Hetauda, RDRC, WCDF

First PVA Piloting in Nepal, Rupandehi, DMF

Workshop on Disaster Governance in Nepal, FSCN Kathmandu

Safety Net Campaign strengthening workshop, Rupandehi

Formation of DIMMAN, DIVICON

Nepal Policy Mapping on Emergency and Disaster Management (document available)

Review Study on Nepal Disaster Response Policy and Practice, 2004 (document available)

Emergency Response to Banke Fire, 600 HHs Relief Supported with BEE Group

Kamaiya Pneumonia medical response, 125 HHs, FKS





EDM Position Paper finalized under HSG Team, (document available)

First PVA Training in Nepal, AAI UK, Gambia

Disaster Education: School Safety Preparedness Program, FSCN Lalitpur (10 Schools)

Study  on Emergency and Disaster Impacts in Nepal (document available)

AAN EDM Theme Leader awarded Disaster Relief Medal from the Government

Live stories of Disaster victims of Rapti and Narayani Basin of Makwanpur, Chitwan and Nawalparasi (Document available)


AAN Security guideline/Security policy developed

Climate Change  Hazard and Disaster Management  workshop, NDMF Kathmandu

Proposal made for Project under DIPECHO III Action Plan and DRR through School Program

First time Sphere TOT in Nepal collaborated with DPNet Nepal



DIPECHO III SAMARUP: Building Community Resilience to Disaster Project (March 2006 May 2007)

DRR through School Project (2 District 2006 October and 2 District March 2007)

Video on Disaster Management in Nepal, MCN Bharatpur

Karnali Food aid to serve over 650 HHs, HRDC Mugu

Study on Cold Wave (Sit Lahar) in Nepali (document available)

EDM SOP of AAN (document available)

Emergency Response to West Nepal Flood, Nawalparai, Banke Bardia and Kailali covered a total of 2848 HHs

Disaster Books of Knowledge Series with Oxfam GB/ECO Nepal (Publication available)

Publication of Sphere Handbook in Nepali, collaborating with DPNet and others

First PIL demanding Emergency Relief to SC, Kamaiya Demands




School Safety Approach developed for Nepal under DIPECHO/DRR (document available)

HFA Sensitization, DRR sensitive Curriculum works initiated

Sphere field practitioners manual published (Publication available) through DPNet

Mapping of Media on Disaster in Nepal (document available)

EDM Training Manual Developed, (document available)

Study on Fire Hazards and its management (document available)

REFLECT piloted as Disaster Advocacy and Awareness Circle in Madi, Chitwan under Safety Net Campaign, later adopted for DIPECHO IV and DRRS Projects.

Formation of AINCCTF, Climate Change Campaigns

Climate Change Impact Study in Banke, Bardiya, Kapilvastu and Arghakhanchi  Districts. (document available)

DRR Through Local government, 30 VDC adopted DMC in Makwanpur

EDM Theme in the web http://edmnepal.tripod.com

Launching of DisasterWatch at www.nepaldisaster.org

Emergency Response to Nepal Flood, Banke Bardia and Kailali, Mahottari, Dhanusha, Siraha and Saptari districts covered over a total of 2412 HHs through AustCare Funding. A separate 1740 families covered with AAN FUND.

Study on Nepal Flood Response and public concern (document available)



Establishments of DICs within Local Governments DDC/Municipalities Sunsari / Itahari under DIPECHO IV

Study on Violence against Women in Disaster Situation, Banke, Kapilvastu, Dang and Mahottari District, 2007/2008 (document available)

PVA Resource book in Nepali, 2007-2008 ((document available)

Participatory Video on Climate Change DRR (documentary available shown during COP 14)

Chetana Radio Awareness Program through DIPECHO/ECO Nepal

Pre-monsoon Disaster Preparedness at District level, AAN supports 14 districts out of 24 Districts

Disaster Free South Asia, HFA Campaign and Solidarity with SAARC. (report available)

Emergency response to K3 Flood (Koshi, Kailali and Kanchanpur) 3393 HHs Includes KOSHI: 1550 HHs for F/NFI/Shelter/WASH, Kailali: 1070 HHs for F/NFI/Shelter/WASH, Kanchanpur: 500 HHs for F/NFI/Shelter/WASH Rupandehi: 293 HHs for RTEF

Research Study on Children in Changing Climate Context (report and video CD available)

CSPIII Revision process; scope of Emergency and Human Security Theme enhanced integrating with Foundation Themes along with Climate Change works in CSP III+ period



Emergency Contact in Nepal:

* Mr. Khem Raj Upadhyay, 
  Head of Program, Policy and Governance

* Mr. Shyam Sundar Jnavaly, (Country Focal point)
  Senior Theme Leader, Human Security

  Emergency and Disaster 

* Mr. Suresh Thapa,

   Program Officer,   EDM Focal point,

   ERC   Biratnagar 


* Mr. Raj Rajak,

  Program Officer,   EDM Focal point,

  CRC Bharatpur


* Mr. Pramod Jaiswal,

  Program Officer,   EDM Focal point,

  WRC Nepalgunj 

* Mr. Nahakul Thapa,
  National Coordinator, DRRSP


Our Staff

Included here is the list of names of some of the people who run our Human Security, Emergency and Disaster Management Initiatives, Program and Projects.

* Mr. P V Krishnan,
  Project Manager, DIPECHO

* Mr. Ashok Pokharel,
  Program Officer, DIPECHO
* Mr. Shaurabh Sharma,
  Finance Officer, DIPECHO

Asia Human Security Advisor,
International Emergency and Conflict Team, AA UK

Our Activists

Included here is the list of names of some of the people who run our EDM Safety Net Campaigns at grassroots.
01. Ms. Sharmila Bullon Lama      
-CEEDF Makwanpur, Mobile# 977 9845103352
02. Mr. Deepak Lamichhane
-DNGOCC Chitwan, Mobile# 977 9845046931
03. Mr. Bed Giri                   
-DMF Rupandehi, Mobile# 977 9847022974
04. Mr. Suresh Thakur         
-SDRC Dhanusha, Mobile# 977 9854021307 / 041690517
05. Mr. Yagya Prasad Dahal
-FRIENDS Nepal Rautahat, Mobile# 977 9845071239
06. Ms. Prabha Chaudhary
-NPSSP Udayapur, Mobile# 977 9852830872
07. Ms. Indira Regmi
-OCCED Kanchanpur, Mobile# 977 9848725584
08. Ms. Sadhana Barma
-CDP Mahottari, Mobile# 977 9844030899
-RHERI Bardiya, Mobile# 977 9841736603
10. Mr. Sujeet K Saksena
-DIMAN Nepal, Mobile# 977 9841686366

Our Location

We'll put our address and directions to our office here. We might also include a map.