HS EDM Theme Nepal

Safety Net Campaign

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Safety Net Campaign
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Safety Net Campaign “Saving Lives, Protecting Rights”

Right to Human Security in Emergency and Disaster


lSafety-Net Campaign is an initiative under taken by the Emergency and Disaster Management Theme of ActionAid Nepal. It carries the value of "Human Security" in the center with Rights Based Agenda to Disaster Management. Under this, Awareness, Organization and Advocacy are the key intervention areas followed by capacity building and resource mobilization for Risk reduction efforts. This also addresses the issues of vulnerability and hazards of the poor, excluded and vulnerable groups.


lThis initiative is developed in collaboration with local NGOs and stakeholders (all institutions at community, VDC, district, and national level) to influence the decision makers and development actors to come out with a development program, to integrate  disaster risk reduction in favor of the rights holders i.e. poor, women, boys and girls for building resilience to Disaster.



lIn addition, "Safety-Net Campaign" analyzes the underlying causes behind people’s vulnerability to Disaster Risk and enacts social security and protection measures to sustain their livelihoods - Right to Lives with dignity; before, during and after an emergency and disaster.


Aim of SNC:

lIts main aim is to build capacities, mobilize resources and influence decision makers and powerful development actors to create a regular and sustainable program to deal with disasters in favour of vulnerable people.


Objective of SNC

lStrengthening Accountability for Social Security and Protection in Disaster Management

lSaving Lives and Protecting Rights in Emergency

lPromoting culture of “Safety”

lReadiness to Rescue, Relief, Recovery and Risk reduction

lOrganize and Disseminate  information/ knowledge to Right Holders

lChange Policy and Practice in favour of Poor and vulnerable


Approach to SNC:

lFirst, aware and prepare various stakeholders (line-agencies, village development committees, district development committees, development planners, politicians, community development workers and the social workers) at district level.

lSecondly, links the concept of human security through a rights-based approach for disaster management in collaboration with various civil society organizations (at community, local, district, and national levels).


Actors in SNC:

lChange Activists

lCivil Society


lLocal Government


lSocial Political Leader

lEducation Institution (School) and Academia

lDonor Community


Actions under taken by SNC:

lFacilitate claiming compensations for the victims and survivors from the Govt.

lCollect and distribute Relief to the victims and survivors

lMobilizing resources for Hazard mitigation to the Vulnerable area

lRescue the victims of “social evils”

lProvide medical aid and protection, psychosocial support to the victims and survivors

l Advocate to adopt HFA 2005- 2015, incorporate DRR in Development


SNC in Operation:

lThe "Safety-Net Campaign" is currently ongoing in





Dhanusha and

Udayapur districts

"Safety-Net Campaign" (SNC) is also running in collaboration with DiMaN members in Kanchanpur, Nawalparasi, Kathmandu and Lalitpur, Bara, Parsa, Mahottari, Sindhuli, Saptari and Sunsari Districts without DP activists.


SNC Activities:

·         Under the "Safety-Net Campaign" Partner NGO/Activist helped the vulnerable (poor, excluded and disaster survivors (victim/affected) to get

·         Information on their RIGHTS,

·         Rights to Information on Human Security, Protection, entitlements from the state and process to claim it.

·         Similarly, vulnerable people also able to secure the quality/standard relief from the DNDRC, NRCS, DDC, VDC on time when emergency strike.

·         People with strong threat of Natural Hazards are able to secure support/resources for Hazard Mitigation/Disaster Risk Reduction works from DNDRC/DWIDP/DDC/DSCO.



Ongoing Activities:

lStruggle is ongoing for the Rehabilitation and resettlement of flood victims,

lcompensation of disaster loss (land) or alternative livelihoods,

lEasy access to Micro Finance (PAF)/Institutions (ADB)  for Disaster Recovery,

lProvision of crop insurance and  

lReview over Relief Standards.


Other intervention of SNC :

lPromoting the integration of Disaster Preparedness with all ongoing Development intervention in the area: such as

Education and Awareness / REFLECT on DP,

DP for Safer Motherhood and Health & Sanitation

Epidemic DP and DWS,

Food security and Climate change,

Natural Resource Management and Resource Conservation,

Infrastructure and Disaster Risk Management

School Building Safety etc.



lSustainability of the Campaign

lAdditional support to Change Activists

lLack of Social Security Act – Implementation

lLack of clear policy guide lines to enact

lLack of elected body at Local Government

Future direction:

lSafety Net Campaign to expand all protection and security issue

lPolicy Advocacy for “Safety Net” to support the vulnerable groups

lSafety Net to be strengthened by the Government and Corporate sector

lLinkage between Safety Net and Social Corporate Responsibility

lDonor education on Safety Net


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